Sunday 4 January 2009

What is an Australian kiss?

... An australian kiss is a french kiss down unda' :)
Now ya'll be wondering if I experienced that but this is a censured blog so no kiss and tell.

At this moment I'm sitting outside with nettie in the citycentre of Melbourne.
It's about 25°C and sunny.

It's weird when I think about the weather in Belgium... Freezing... Haha, funny. I'm sweating here. But hey, I don't mind.

So, I'm in Melbourne now. Staying at Cristian's place, a guy from the Contiki group who lives here.
Tomorrow I will do the Great Ocean road. Have to get up early again.
I will need a vacation from my vacation when I get back. This lack off sleep is killing me..

Today I'm just walking around Melbourne. Funny, you can do the Neighbours tour here and visit Ramsay street.
Not on my list of priorities though.

When I look around, hearing the bells of the Cathedral, the traffic of cars and trams, the tourists and the locals walking around, the nice sunny weather... I feel so thankful. I mean.. How many people, Belgians, can say they've seen what i've seen? So many amazing things.
Travelling is and always will be one of the most important things in my life.
I think travelling changes you to become a better person, realising what you have, experiencing new things and people.
Ok, so far the emotional thoughts of life :) Hey it's a new year right? People can get a bit more philosofic than....

I'll try to post some new pictures soon too....

Tania who wonders why time flies by so much faster down unda....


  1. Hey Taniake ! Gij zit daar wel goed he zeg, lekker in het zonneke, en hier in ons koude belgenlandje vriest het de stenen uit de grond !Ik heb vannacht over u gedroomd, ik pakte u vast op het werk omdat ik blij was dat je heelhuids terug was :-) Die knuf heb je nog te goed van mij he. Mijn allerbeste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar en we spreken wel eens af als je terugbent, ok ? Nog veel plezier down unda ! xxx Rietje

  2. Oh, lief rietje! tot gauw (helaas)
