The 3 weeks australia went by so fast. But the memories will last a lifetime. (That is if my brain will keep working:)Like I said @ the end of the Contiki tour, the things I've seen & done are too awesome to put down in words. Here I am, on Qantas flight QF5 to Singapore for my last 3 holidays before flying back to the cold and dark working days in Belgium.
Don't get me wrong, I like Belgium, I always seem to appreciate my country more when I left it for a while. Guess you can compare it to a relationship. If you give each other a chance to be apart and do your own thing you will see the good things again, if you just look at it from a distance now and then. So yes, I love my country and I'm proud to be a Belgian.
I'm also grateful to have a job in my country. Even though I can whine about it from time to time, I am glad to do my part in the community :)
Now, you'll probably ask yourself: If you do like Belgium and you are happy to have a job there, than why do you run from it? I guess part is the fact that I got the travelbug (reismicrobe) It's in my sign (sagittarus) and it will always run through my vains.The other part, I think, I discovered on my trip, is the four letter word: LOVE.
Don't get my wrong, I'm not gonna marry outback Jack or Luke tomorrow. I might not even be talking about a man. Love is a general thing. I love cities, nature, the ocean, the sun, the english language, surfers, friendly & fascinating people, ....
What hit me yesterday is not that I travel to travel, but to find 'love' in some sort and to enrich myself. I do believe that people who travel and embrace other cultures from time to time have a richer life. It's not because we live in the 'west' that that is the right way to live.
So, sweety's, if I may wish you anything this year, besides a good health, I wish you save and amazing travels. Even if it's just in your own country. You can be amazed by the things you discover...
Anyway, enough philosophy for today, the food is coming and qantas airplane food is kinda yummy. You get a lot of good stuff here, never hungry, never thirsty.
It's awesome mate :)
Take care,
Tania live from the sky :)
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